鑑於IFRS 17 的實施在即,對全球各保險公司在人力資源丶系統及技術各方面都是很大的挑戰。願藉此機會貢獻我們專業回饋保險業界,為保險公司提供專業技術與人力上的協助。
──諾曼·文森特·皮爾 Norman Vincent Peale
Luminous Actuarial Consulting Limited was established in March 2020 by a group of actuaries who posses multinational actuarial expertise including Big 4 consulting experience.
Driven by the challenges on data, system and processes from coming IFRS 17 implementation, we are providing our professional solutions to assist insurers from all aspects.
Our missions are to deliver the best quality of professional services and to train and develop young professional of the next generation.